Sunday, April 22, 2007


Our Memorial day!
Please Remember that our soldiers sacrifice their lives everyday and especially during the never ending wars with the Arab world.
There is so much Heroism and so many heroic stories and so many Brave, Good hearted people who died so we could keep existing in a democratic country, liberal country- Freedom is not for free!
Let us remeber Major Roee Klein, who threw himself on a hand grenade thrown by the Lebanese so his soldiers will be saved.He was 31 years old and lived in Ali, a settlement. He left behind two boys and a wife. He lost his life in Bint Jbeil and saved the life of his commanders by throwing himself on a hand grenade.
God bless his soul.

Friday, April 13, 2007

No Wonder

no wonder Iraq is in such a mess. its leaders keep it like that so they could control the ppl's anger and incite them against what ever the gov' wants them to be incited against. in this case it's the States, Israel and everything that symbols freedom and democracy.
have u ever read 1984 by George Orwell? it is so much like what is going on in those God forsaken countries. The population is deprived of everything so it could serve their Muslims extremists as a bullet against what is beautiful and good in this world, the States, Israel, England and all the rest of the sane countries.
I can't understand people whose entire ambition in life is to hate and kill and cause as greater damage as possible. And for what? Do they actually think that they are in the right? How can they justify their maliciousness and aggressiveness?
How can they explain investing millions and millions of dollars over weapons of mass destruction, while they complain their people are poor? what do they do for their own people? and by that I mean the leftist as well.
those left wingers keep on saying that they are liberal and enlightened and yet they cooperate with the worst people who are against liberalism and enlightenment, people who use violence and deprive other people their basic rights, and by people, I mean especially women. so- I need an explanation from leftists, that will tell me- why on earth would they support aggressive narrow minded people like that?
It seems like those lefties who pride themselves in being such freedom fighters are no more than just petty li'l people who need to side with the aggressive ones in order to feel good about themselves. Mind you- I never met a good looking lefty in MY LIFE!!!! I reckon that means something. I reckon now that being a leftist is a cover up for self conscience and bad genes.
And those who really reckon terror comes from deprivation, are Stupid. and maybe need to verify their facts first.
As for the BBC, I swear to God- one day I am gonna find who is sponsoring them, and I won't be too surprised if it is the fucking Al- Kaida.

Now, as for Israel. I don't know If you are aware but our hostages are 6 month now away from home- and we want them back.
so- here is a picture of them, just so you know. they have families and we love them and we want them back.
It is such a shame that in this time of era, war and blood shed and terror acts are still existing. and I can blame only one group in that- the Arabic Muslims/ Muslims (with the aid of all them extreme leftists). If there is an Arabic Muslim who feels that what his people are doing ain't right- he should be heard, IS any one there?!?!?!

The whole Truth

Here you go! The truth out of someone who can tell you what is what- now you don't have to take my word for it...

and you can check out the rest there...